Thursday, November 18, 2010

Presentation Variables in OBIEE and where can we use them

The Presentation Variable is the only variable offered by the Presentation service. It will take the datatype of the presentation column on which the prompt is created.

Syntax: @{variables.<variableName>}{<default>}[format]
variables: Optional
variableName: It refers to the variable which should be different from the existed variable names.
Default: The default value of the variable.
Format: It represents the format in which the variable values need to be displayed.

You can reference presentation variables in the following areas 
  • Answers :
    • Title Views
    • Narrative Views
    • Column Filters
    • Column Formulas
    • Conditional Formatting conditions
    • Chart scale markers.
    • Gauge range settings.
    • Static text.
  • Direct Database Requests
  • Dashboard prompts
  • iBot Headlines and text
Some examples are given below with a presentation variable “Year” and as default value the max of the year :
@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" by) }

Column Formula:

You can also set it in a formula. Example :

WHEN @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } = '2001' THEN 'It''s the year 2001'
ELSE 'You choose an other year' end
WHEN @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } < Calendar."Calendar Year"
THEN 'The Year is greater than the presentation variable ' ||
cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } AS char)
WHEN @{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } = Calendar."Calendar Year"
THEN 'The Year is equal to the presentation variable ' ||
cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } AS char)
ELSE 'The Year is smaller than the presentation variable ' ||
cast(@{Year}{max(Calendar."Calendar Year" BY) } AS char) end


Title View:

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